1 |
American Historical Review, The |
2014- |
2 |
American Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities |
2012- |
3 |
American Journal of Sociology |
2011- |
4 |
American Journal on Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities (formerly: American Journal on Mental Retardation, upto v.113, 2008) |
2011-2011 |
5 |
Appropriate Technology |
2011- |
6 |
Asian Survey |
2011- |
7 |
American Sociological Review[1939-8271] |
2016 |
8 |
Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences, The [1552-3349] |
2016 |
9 |
Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution |
2011- |
10 |
Biblio: A Review of Book |
2012- |
11 |
British Journal of Social Psychology |
2011- |
12 |
British Medical Journal |
2012- |
13 |
Business Today |
2014- |
14 |
Business World |
2014- |
15 |
Combat Law |
2011-2011 |
16 |
Comparative Education |
2011- |
17 |
Comparative Education Review |
2011-2011 |
18 |
Comparative Political Studies |
2011- |
19 |
Contemporary Education Dialogue [2249-5320] |
2016 |
20 |
Contributions to Indian Sociology [0973-0648] |
2016 |
21 |
Critical Inquiry |
2012- |
22 |
Current Anthropology |
2012- |
23 |
Current Labour Reports (ID/pw: tiss/tiss) |
2011-2011 |
24 |
Current Labour Reports (ID-19960/pw-960019) |
2014- |
25 |
Daedalus: Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Science |
2011- |
26 |
Development |
2014- |
27 |
Dalit Voice |
2014- |
28 |
DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology |
2011-2011 |
29 |
Disaster Advances [2278-4543] |
2016 |
30 |
Digital Learning |
2011-2011 |
31 |
Disability and Society (formerly, -1994: Disability, Handicap and Society) |
2011-2011 |
32 |
Down to Earth |
2011-2011 |
33 |
Economic Development and Cultural Change |
2011- |
34 |
Economic and Political Weekly |
2014- |
35 |
Environment and Planning A |
2011- |
36 |
Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design |
2011-2011 |
37 |
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy |
2011- |
38 |
Environment and Planning D: Society and Space |
2011- |
39 |
Environmental History |
2014- |
40 |
Families in Society |
2011-2011 |
41 |
Gandhi Marg |
2014- |
42 |
Gerontologist, The |
2014- |
43 |
Ghadar Jari Hai |
2014- |
44 |
Harvard Business Review South Asia |
2015- |
45 |
Harvard Educational Review |
2011- |
46 |
Health and Social Work |
2011- |
47 |
Himal South Asia |
2014- |
48 |
Historical Materialism |
2014- |
49 |
Human Geography: A New Radical Journal |
2011- |
50 |
Human Organization |
2011- |
51 |
Human Resource Management |
2011- |
52 |
IDS Bulletin |
2015- |
53 |
Indian Economic and Social History Review [0973-0893] |
2016 |
54 |
Indian Journal of Human Development |
2011-2011 |
55 |
Indian Journal of Medical Research |
2014 |
56 |
Indian Practitioner, The [2394-3017] |
2016 |
57 |
Industrial and Labour Relations Review |
2011- |
58 |
Information Studies |
2014- |
59 |
Innovations |
2011- |
60 |
International Development Planning Review |
2011- |
61 |
International Journal of Development Issues |
2014- |
62 |
International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment |
2014- |
63 |
International Journal of Disaster Risk science |
2012- |
64 |
International Journal of Emergency Management |
2014- |
65 |
International Journal of Environmental Policy & Decision Making |
2010- |
66 |
International Journal of Health Services |
2011- |
67 |
Journal of Business Venturing |
2012- |
68 |
Journal of Community Practice |
2011-2011 |
69 |
Journal of Comparative Family Studies |
2011- |
70 |
Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship |
2014 |
71 |
Journal of Human Resources |
2011- |
72 |
Journal of Infrastructure Development [0975-5969] |
2016 |
73 |
Journal of Management Research |
2011-2011 |
74 |
Journal of Modern History |
2014- |
75 |
Journal of Occupational & Organisational Psychology |
2011-2011 |
76 |
Journal of Philosophy |
2014-fsfds |
77 |
Journal of Social Entrepreneurship |
2011- |
78 |
Journal of Social Marketing |
2015- |
79 |
Journal of Social Work in Disability and Rehabilitation |
2011-2011 |
80 |
Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences |
2014- |
81 |
Lancet, The |
2014- |
82 |
Linux for You |
2011-2011 |
83 |
Mainstream |
2014- |
84 |
Milbank Quarterly |
2014- |
85 |
Monthly Review |
2012- |
86 |
New German Critique |
2014- |
87 |
New Left Review |
2011- |
88 |
Philosophy Today |
2014- |
89 |
Philosophical Review |
2014- |
90 |
Police Chief |
2011-2011 |
91 |
Psychiatric Services |
92 |
Public Culture |
2011- |
93 |
Qualitative Research in Organization and Management: An International Journal |
2011-2011 |
94 |
Radical History Review |
2014- |
95 |
Regulation and Governance |
2014- |
96 |
Sankhya |
2011-2011 |
97 |
Science and Society: A journal of Marxist thought and analysis |
2011- |
98 |
Seminar(one issue Back) Available till May 2014. |
2014- |
99 |
Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society[1545-6943] |
2016- |
100 |
Social Problems |
2011- |
101 |
Social Service Review |
2011- |
102 |
Social Text |
2011-2011 |
103 |
Social Work |
2011-2011 |
104 |
Sociology Compass [1751-9020] |
2016 |
105 |
Sociologist Register |
2012- |
106 |
Sociology of health a& Illness |
2012- |
107 |
Stanford Social Innovation Review |
2014- |
108 |
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal |
2012- |
109 |
Studies in History [0973-080X] |
2016 |
110 |
Studies of Tribes & Tribals |
2011-2011 |
111 |
SubVersions |
2014- |
112 |
Telos |
2014- |
113 |
Theory, Culture and Society [1460-3616] |
2016 |
114 |
Training and Development |
2011- |