The TISS Hyderabad Library is operational since August 2012. It is spread over 292 sq. mts of area and can accommodate 98 students at any given time. It has a strong colection of 4255 volumes and has access to 10,298+ eJournals. Library Timings are :


Mon to Fri 9am to 7pm
Saturday 9am to 5 pm
Working Days,
Monday to Saturday
Sunday & Public Holidays
Before Examination
9.00 a.m. to 10.00 a.m
During Examination
9.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m
During Vacation
10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m


The Library Advisory Committee (LAC) of HYD Campus Library is as below:

Chairperson: Prof. Aseem Prakash


Dr. Amit Upadhyay
Dr. Sunyana Swain
Dr. Ritesh Khunyakari
Dr. Amit Sadhukhan
Dr. Satish Kanamadi
Mr. Vamshi Bollarapu

LAC meets twice a year and provides suggestions and direction to the library in building core collection and smooth functioning. Following are some of the significant initiatives taken by the committee.

Collection: The core activity of the library is building collection in tune with the courses offered by its parent institution. The LAC guides and provides direction in acquiring resources with regard to new courses offered periodically in Hyderabad campus. It has a collection of 4255 volumes (3802 titles) as on 25th April 2015 in the field of Social Sciences. There is a small collection of Non-Book

Materials viz. 53 DVDs of Foundation Course Lectures, 37 Documentaries/Short films, and 12 CD-ROMs with the books and 12 Encyclopaedias (Total 114). The Library subscribes to 11 News Papers & 10 Magazines.

Computerisation of the Library System: All activities of library have been computerised from the inception of the TISS Hyderabad Library; and KOHA library management system installed for better access to resources under networked library system. This enables user community of TISS Hyderabad to access the catalogues of all campus libraries through WebOPAC (http://opac.tiss.edu). Borrow, Return, Renewal, Recommendation for books, due date alters, reminders of the books can be sent to the users automatically.

LAN & Wi-Fi facility: There are about 40 LAN points are provided for Internet access to users apart from enabling entire library with Wi-Fi facility.

Cyber Library: There are about 24 computers installed in Cyber Library for continuous navigation of e-resources (e-books, e-journals & online databases & digital library) subscribed by the main library through Ezproxy.

Remote Login Facility: Apart from LAN, the library has also provided remote login facility via Ezproxy software where users can access multiple e-resources online.

Institutional Repository (IR): The library has access to Institutional Repository to provide wider access to the publications of TISS Hyderabad community. The significant resources include; thesis, dissertations, Question Bank, Annual report etc.


Mr. Vamshi Bollarapu
Assistant Librarian,
Tata Institute of Social Sciences,
K.B. Sainik School Premises, Brahmannapalli Road,
Turkayamjal, Ranga Reddy District,

Phone : 7995007701 and7995007702
E- mail:
